Being Compassion: Easy Steps for a More Understanding Life

Aaron Wesley Hannah
February 16, 2023


“Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa

Compassion is a special way of treating others. It’s when we understand their feelings and want to help make their lives better. It’s like putting yourself in their shoes and feeling what they feel. When we show compassion, we make the world a kinder and happier place.

In this blog post, we’ll learn all about compassion. We’ll find out why it’s important and how we can bring more of it into our daily lives. We’ll discover simple steps that we can take to be more compassionate, and how it can make a positive difference in the world.

Let’s think about a garden. If we plant seeds of kindness and understanding, we’ll see the flowers of compassion grow and spread their beauty to everyone around us.

Are you ready to learn about compassion and how to be more kind and understanding to others? Then, keep reading!

What is Compassion?

Compassion is a special feeling that we have for others. It’s when we understand the difficulties and challenges that someone else is facing, and we want to help make their lives better. Compassion is like putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and feeling what they’re feeling.

Sometimes people confuse compassion with sympathy. Sympathy is when we feel bad for someone because they’re going through a tough time. We might say, “I’m sorry you’re going through that” or “That must be really hard for you.” But sympathy is only a small part of compassion. Compassion is when we not only feel bad for someone, but we also want to do something to help. We might offer a listening ear, a hug, or a helping hand.

Compassion is important in our daily lives for many reasons. First, it helps us connect with others. When we show compassion to someone, we let them know we care about them and that we’re here for them. This can help build stronger, more positive relationships with the people around us.

Second, compassion helps us spread kindness and positivity in the world. When we show compassion to others, we inspire them to do the same. This creates a ripple effect of kindness that can make the world a better place.

Finally, compassion has positive benefits for our own mental and emotional well-being. When we show compassion to others, we experience feelings of joy, fulfillment, and contentment. We become more resilient and better able to handle stress and adversity.

In short, compassion is a powerful force for good in the world. It helps us connect with others, spread kindness, and improve our own lives.

Simple Steps for Living a More Compassionate Life

Living a more compassionate life can have a positive impact on the world and on ourselves. Here are five simple steps that you can take to bring more compassion into your daily life

  • Practice active listening. This means really paying attention when someone is talking to you. Ask questions and show that you’re interested in what they’re saying. This can help the person feel heard and understood, and it can also help you understand their perspective.
  • Volunteer or help someone in need. This could be anything from helping a neighbor with their groceries to volunteering at a local shelter. By reaching out to help others, we show them we care and that we’re here for them. This can have a positive impact on their lives and on our own as well.
  • Practice gratitude. Every day, think about things you’re grateful for and express your thanks to others. This can help us focus on the positive things in our lives and feel more content and fulfilled. It can also help us build stronger relationships with others. As we show them, we appreciate them.
  • Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Try to imagine what someone else might be feeling in a difficult situation, and respond with kindness and understanding. This can help us understand others better and treat them with compassion and empathy.
  • Show kindness to others. Do something nice for someone, like holding the door open or complimenting them on something. Small acts of kindness can have a big impact on others and can spread positivity in the world.

By following these simple steps, we can bring more compassion into our daily lives and make a positive difference in the world. By showing compassion to others, we can strengthen our relationships, feel more content and fulfilled, and create a kinder and more supportive world for everyone.

Incorporating Compassion into Your Daily Routine

Living a more compassionate life can have a positive impact on the world and on ourselves, but it takes effort. Here are three ways to make compassion a part of your daily routine:

  • Set aside time each day to practice compassion. This could be as simple as taking a few minutes each day to reflect on ways to show kindness to others. During this time, you might think about someone you know who could use a helping hand or consider ways to spread positivity in your community. You might even take a few minutes to simply think about all the things you’re grateful for. By setting aside time each day to focus on compassion, you’ll make it a priority in your life and be more likely to act on your compassionate impulses.
  • Surround yourself with positive and compassionate people. When we’re around people who are kind and understanding, it’s easier for us to be compassionate too. Spend time with people who inspire you to be your best self, and who show compassion to others. This could be friends, family, or people you meet through volunteering or other community activities. By surrounding yourself with positive and compassionate people, you’ll be more likely to adopt these attitudes and behaviors yourself.
  • Make compassion a habit. Just like brushing your teeth or putting on your seatbelt, make compassion a habit that you do every day. Start small by focusing on one or two simple acts of kindness each day. Over time, these small acts will become a natural part of your daily routine, and you’ll find yourself acting with compassion more and more often. By making compassion a habit it will become a natural part of who you are and how you live your life.

By incorporating compassion into your daily routine, you can make it a habit and bring more compassion into your life. When you make compassion a priority, you’ll see the positive impact it has on your relationships, your community, and your own well-being. So why wait? Start incorporating compassion into your daily routine today!


In this blog, we’ve talked about the importance of compassion and how it can have a positive impact on the world and on ourselves.

We’ve also looked at five simple steps for living a more compassionate life:

  • practicing active listening,
  • volunteering or helping someone in need,
  • practicing gratitude,
  • putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, and
  • showing kindness to others.

Finally, we’ve discussed ways to incorporate compassion into your daily routine so that it becomes a natural part of your life.

So, what have we learned? We’ve learned that compassion is a powerful force for good, and that it can help us connect with others, spread kindness, and improve our own lives. We’ve learned that living a more compassionate life is easier than you might think, and that it’s something that we can all do.

So, what’s next? It’s time to put this knowledge into action. Start by setting aside time each day to practice compassion and make it a habit. Surround yourself with positive and compassionate people and look for ways to help others and spread kindness. By doing these things, you can bring more compassion into your life and make a positive difference in the world.

In conclusion, compassion is a vital part of the human experience, and it’s something that we can all cultivate and practice in our daily lives. By making compassion a priority, we can create a kinder and more supportive world for everyone.

I'll leave you with this:

There once was a man who came across a field filled with thorns. The thorns were so thick that it was difficult for him to pass through. However, instead of turning back, the man decided to pluck out each and every thorn, one by one. It was a long and difficult task, but he did not give up. When he finally reached the other side of the field, a beautiful garden filled with the sweetest smelling flowers he had ever smelled greeted him. This man realized that the act of removing the thorns from the field was not just about clearing a path for himself, but also about making the journey easier for anyone who came after him.

This reminds us of the transformative power of compassion. When we practice compassion, we are not only making our own lives easier and more fulfilling, but we are also making a positive impact on the world around us.

Aaron Wesley Hannah

Aaron Wesley Hannah

Freelance writer, solopreneur & coach. OSU grad. Writes on wellness, leadership & lifelong learning to spark conversations & help people live thoughtful lives.


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