Day 2 of Joy: Joy in Creation (Psalm 19:1-4)

Aaron Wesley Hannah
February 2, 2024

As we settle into the rhythm of this new day, let’s take a moment to consider the joy found in the world around us, drawing inspiration from Psalm 19:1-4. These verses speak to the awe-inspiring creation that declares the glory of God, without even needing words. It’s a universal melody, understood by all, transcending language and culture.

Think of the last time you saw a sunrise, the sky painted in hues of pink, orange, and gold. Or the quiet majesty of a mountain range, each peak telling a story older than time. This is creation’s silent yet resounding song of joy, a testament to a craftsmanship so divine, it brings forth joy in its purest form.

Yet, joy isn’t always readily at hand, is it? Sometimes it feels like a struggle to grasp the threads of happiness in our lives. We can get lost in the humdrum of the everyday or the challenges that weigh us down. But joy is there, woven into the fabric of creation, waiting for us to notice.

In the original Hebrew of Psalm 19, there’s a beautiful word: “Oz” — it means strength or courage. And isn’t that what joy often requires? The strength to look beyond our current struggles, the courage to embrace the beauty amidst the chaos.

We can find joy in the little things: the laughter of a child, the warmth of a shared meal, the comfort of a familiar melody. These are fragments of the same joy that fills the skies each morning and evening. It’s the joy that connects us, a reminder that we’re part of something larger, something extraordinary.

Let’s challenge ourselves today to seek that joy, even when it’s not easy. Let’s listen for creation’s song and add our own voices to the chorus. Life may not be simple, but joy — true, profound joy — can be found in the simplest of things, if we only take the time to look.

Aaron Wesley Hannah

Aaron Wesley Hannah

Freelance writer, solopreneur & coach. OSU grad. Writes on wellness, leadership & lifelong learning to spark conversations & help people live thoughtful lives.


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