Day 4 of joy: Joy in God’s Word (Psalm 119:111)

Aaron Wesley Hannah
February 4, 2024

As dawn breaks on this fourth day of our journey through joy, I find myself nestled in the embrace of ancient words, a treasure handed down through the ages. “I take your instruction as a permanent heritage, because it is the joy of my heart.” (Psalm 119:111).

There’s something timeless about the joy that comes from the sacred texts. It’s like a river that flows, constant yet ever-changing, through the landscape of our souls. And in these words, written in the graceful strokes of Hebrew, there’s a weight, a yarushah — heritage. It’s more than just inheritance; it’s a belonging that anchors us, a legacy that shapes our identity.

But let’s be real, joy isn’t always the guest that sits quietly in our hearts. Sometimes, it’s the one that kicks down the door, throws open the windows, and demands to be felt amidst the clutter of our daily grind. And then, there are days it feels like a distant memory, something we’ve misplaced and can’t quite seem to find no matter how hard we search.

I’ve known those days. The ones where joy feels like a puzzle, with pieces scattered by the winds of loss, uncertainty, or the dull ache of routine. It’s in those moments, joy becomes a struggle, a defiant act of rebellion against the greyness that sometimes colors our world.

But here’s the thing — joy, true joy, it’s not just a fleeting emotion. It’s a state of being, a choice, a perspective. It’s finding the divine in the mundane, the extraordinary in the ordinary. It’s about holding onto the heritage of those testimonies, letting them be the compass that points us back to joy, even when it feels like we’re navigating through a fog.

As we walk through this month, exploring the many facets of joy, I invite you to look for it in the unexpected places. Let’s rediscover it together, not just as a feeling, but as a foundation, as solid and enduring as the ancient words that continue to whisper it into our hearts.

Today, perhaps you’ll find joy in the laughter of a child, the warmth of the sun on your face, or the simple yet profound act of breathing in and breathing out. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll find it in the rich tapestry of heritage that has been woven through generations, captured in a book that has stood the test of time, offering us joy as our heart’s true home.

Aaron Wesley Hannah

Aaron Wesley Hannah

Freelance writer, solopreneur & coach. OSU grad. Writes on wellness, leadership & lifelong learning to spark conversations & help people live thoughtful lives.


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