Farewell To Some Of My Facebook Friends.

Aaron Wesley Hannah
September 6, 2020

Over the years, my social media usage has waxed and waned. At one point, I ceased using social media for a couple years except for the few messages to family. As I have increased my social media use, I have realized that toxic effects it bears on my soul. It’s not altogether social medias fault, but the other people whom I have associated with.

Social Media is a tool

Social media is a tool, and how you use it will establish its effects on your life. It has its uses and benefits, it too carries its pitfalls and perils. Over the recent month, I have encountered an intense conviction to achieve something with this sector of my story. Still, I have dreaded what I must do.

As far back as I can recall using social media, I have invariably declared to myself that I would never remove someone from my profile. If they took off, that was their determination. No matter the contrasts I had with a person, be it political, theological or just lifestyle, I had a staunch view that not only could I still learn something from them and heighten my perspective, they too had the same capacity. This concept prevails in a redemptive quality to life and that we should grant as much grace and goodwill to our fellow human beings as we can muster.

A hypnotic spell

This past month, as I have scrolled through my news feeds, I have understood a transformation in how people I associate with have used their platform, and not always in a favorable sense. The speech, the attitude, the absence of empathy and accountability for their words or memes. People seem to have settled into some hypnotic spell that has supplanted reason with bitterness, and for me, I choose no longer to identify myself or my life with contemptuous and divisive behavior.

The verdict

It has taken me a lengthy time to arrive at this verdict. People often talk of tolerance and respecting different points of view, or at least listening to them, but the language and conduct I have witness has progressed beyond any reasonable tolerance. I could in method just cut off their news feeds, out of sight, out of mind. However, that is accepting their conduct as nevertheless retaining a place in my life, which I cannot in healthy conscious support.

The prime issue I have contended with, is this habit where “if you don’t agree with me, you are against me and I just delete you.” I never wish to dismiss someone who can add value to my life, no matter how often I clash with them. To that I don’t always agree with people, and I crave a diverse collective of ideas, views and beliefs in my life. So, for me, this leaves little to do with disagreeing with someone, it has more to do with how their toxicity no longer has a market in my life.

It is with a heavy heart, that in the coming weeks I must cull my social media and say adieu to some of you. Perhaps we will reconnect again or not, either way I wish everyone the best on their expedition through life and hold that we can all be a light in this world to someone.

Aaron Wesley Hannah

Aaron Wesley Hannah

Freelance writer, solopreneur & coach. OSU grad. Writes on wellness, leadership & lifelong learning to spark conversations & help people live thoughtful lives.


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